Entrepreneurship and Crypto with Dennis Lewis of Behold the Cryptopreneurs | Soar Payments LLC

Entrepreneurship and Crypto with Dennis Lewis of Behold the Cryptopreneurs

On this episode, we turn our attention back to the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Specifically, we focus in on the entrepreneurial side of these industries to discuss the keys to success, and just who these “cryptopreneurs” are.

Scott is joined by Dennis Lewis, who is a seasoned digital storyteller and blockchain marketing specialist with a proven track record both in Europe and in the US. Dennis has successfully led to market and exited multiple startup companies, and his latest effort is in launching a book entitled “Behold the Cryptopreneurs” all about the entrepreneurial side of blockchain and crypto.

Payments & Fintech Insights In This Episode

  • What (or who) exactly is a “cryptopreneur”?
  • Why scammers are such a big problem in the world of cryptocurrency, and what professionals and businesses in the industry can do about it.
  • Why “ICOs are dead” and “blockchain fundraising” is the way to go.
  • Dennis’ thoughts and advice on business, payments, crypto, and how to succeed with blockchain.
  • With a whole bunch more!

Featured on the Show

Industry Spotlight


Do you feel the frustration?

Perhaps the most promising technological innovation in over a generation, blockchain has become a mud puddle where scoundrels, cheats and market manipulators wallow without shame.

The cryptocurrency industry sports a collection of scammers that would feel more at home in the White House than in any self-respecting used car lot. Even worse, we’ve become so obsessed with short-term profits based on a speculative mindset that we’ve forgotten the true potential that lies within our grasp.

This is not how you build a sustainable, transformational industry that opens a new era of technology and prosperity.The time has come for something different. A new phase of the cryptocurrency revolution is upon us, and it’s time we seized the opportunity.The blockchain industry is far too promising to even consider abandoning.

This book is all about how we overcome the obstacles we’re facing and collectively create an industry that truly transforms the world we live in.Today is the day of the cryptopreneurs!