Education and Innovation in Fintech with Dr. Stephen Taylor of NJIT | Soar Payments LLC

Education and Innovation in Fintech with Dr. Stephen Taylor of NJIT

Obtaining a formal education in fintech is becoming increasingly popular as innovative degree programs have begun to emerge. This podcast episode focuses on the latest innovations in fintech, and how educators are helping fintech students prepare to be the fintech innovators of tomorrow.

Our guest is Dr. Stephen Taylor of NJIT, who is a professor in the first ever B.S. in Financial Technology degree program.

Dr. Taylor’s interests lie at the intersection of the application of mathematics, statistics, finance and data analysis/visualization. Previously, He worked in the financial services industry at Bloomberg, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Morgan Stanley, and Tudor Investment Corporation. His breadth of knowledge and experience make for a lively discussion on innovation and education!

Payments & Fintech Insights In This Episode

  • Why obtaining a formal education in financial technology is so powerful from a career and knowledge perspective.
  • How NJIT educators like Dr. Taylor keep classes and programs around fintech fresh with a constantly evolving industry.
  • Dr. Taylor’s thoughts on the latest innovations in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
  • What technology is doing to drive financial data analytics and monitoring forward.
  • Dr Taylor’s thoughts on the future of fintech and fintech education.
  • With so much more!

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B.S. in Financial Technology from NJIT

“The Bachelor of Science in FinTech is a 120-credit program includes traditional finance coursework, but also provides an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the theories and evolution of FinTech, data-driven financial modeling, financial data mining and machine learning, financial data analytics, and new innovations in the financial sector, including AI, blockchain, bitcoin, cloud computing, machine learning, IoT, crowd funding, P2P lending, etc. The primary goal of the program is to develop students who have the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue competitive professional and academic careers.”