Learning Cryptocurrency With Edmund McCormack of Dchained | Soar Payments LLC

Learning Cryptocurrency With Edmund McCormack of Dchained

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology continue to take the financial world by storm, attracting more investor interest than ever before.

Learning about the ins and outs of crypto trading, what kinds of coins are out there, and more, isn’t exactly easy. Bad information or a lack of understanding can lead to costly mistakes.

Edmund McCormack, founder of Dchained, joins the podcast to share how his company is bringing crypto membership and DeFi education to a wide range of people. Ed also shares insights on the larger world of cryptocurrency, including what’s coming next.

Payments & Fintech Insights In This Episode

  • Why education about crypto is so important, and will continue to be relevant in a growing industry.
  • How Dchained helps demystify the world of cryptocurrency.
  • Edmund’s thoughts on Bitcoin in relation to all the other cryptocurrencies… particularly if it will maintain its dominance.
  • What role regulation will play in driving cryptocurrency adoption forward.
  • Edmund’s thoughts on the future of cryptocurrencies, and what’s next for Dchained.
  • With so much more!

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Dchained provides education, personalized coaching, and online resources for investors at every stage of their journey, whether complete beginners or experienced traders. Through a series of easy-to-follow guides and courses, Dchained members gain the insight required to make informed and timely investment decisions – covering everything from the basics of “how to get started” to the latest DeFi platforms.